available through Download!, contact your service provider,or the supplier or manufacturer of the item.Only install and use applications and other software fromsources that offer adequate security and protection againstharmful software.Select catalogs, folders, anditemsTo update the Download! content, select Options > Refreshlist.To hide a folder or a catalog from the list, for example, to viewonly items that you use frequently, select Options > Hide.To make the items visible again, select Options > Showall.To buy the selected item, select Options > Buy. A submenuopens, where you can select the version of the item and viewprice information.To download an item that is free of charge, select Options >Get.To view the details of the selected item, select Options >View details.To return to the Download! main level, select Options >Homepage.The available options may vary depending on your serviceprovider, the selected item, and the view you are in.Download! settingsTo change the Download! settings, select Options >Settings and from the following:• Access point — Select an access point to use to connectto the service provider's server.• Automatic open — Select whether you want thedownloaded item or application to open automaticallyafter the download is completed.• Preview confirmation — Select whether you want aconfirmation query to be shown before previewing anitem.• Buy confirmation — Select whether you want aconfirmation query to be shown before buying an item.Software updatesNokia may produce software updates that may offer newfeatures, enhanced functions, or improved performance. Youmay be able to request these updates through the NokiaSoftware Updater PC application. To update the devicesoftware, you need the Nokia Software Updater applicationand a compatible PC with Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, orVista operating system, broadband internet access, and acompatible data cable to connect your device to the PC.To get more information and to download the NokiaSoftware Updater application, visit www.nokia-asia.com/softwareupdate or your local Nokia website.Tip: To check the software version in your device, enter*#0000# in the standby mode.© 2007 Nokia. All rights reserved. 111