Connection securityIf the security indicator ( ) is displayed during a connection,the data transmission between the device and the internetgateway or server is encrypted. The security icon does notindicate that the data transmission between the gatewayand the content server (or place where the requestedresource is stored) is secure. The service provider secures thedata transmission between the gateway and the contentserver.Security certificates may be required for some services, suchas banking services. You are notified if the identity of theserver is not authentic or if you do not have the correctsecurity certificate in your device. For more information,contact your service provider.Browse the webTo browse the web, select a bookmark or enter the webaddress manually, and select Go to. Use only services that youtrust and that offer adequate security and protection againstharmful software.Tip: When you start to enter the address, the addressesof the pages you have previously visited that matchyour input are displayed. To open a page, scroll to itsaddress, and press the scroll key.To move on a web page, use the scroll key, which is shownas a pointer on the page. When you move the pointer over alink, the pointer changes into a hand. Press the scroll key toopen the link. On a web page, new links usually appearunderlined in blue and previously visited links in purple.Images that act as links have a blue border around them.The addresses of the pages you visit are saved in the Auto.bookmarks folder.BookmarksTo view a bookmarked web page, scroll to the bookmark, andpress the scroll key.To browse to another web page, select Options >Navigation options > Go to web address, enter the pageaddress, and select Go to.To add a bookmark, select Options > Bookmarkmanager > Add bookmark.To organise your bookmarks, select Options > Bookmarkmanager in the Web main view. You can move and editbookmarks, and create new folders.Clear the cacheA cache is a memory location that is used to store datatemporarily. If you have tried to access or have accessedconfidential information requiring passwords, empty thecache after each use. The information or services you haveaccessed are stored in the cache.To empty the cache, select Options > Clear privacy data >Clear cache.© 2007 Nokia. All rights reserved. 47