To edit information in a contact, select Options > Edit.Tip: You can also use Nokia PC Suite to add and editcontacts.To send contact information, select Options > Send.You can assign a default number or address to a contact soyou can easily call or send a message to the default numberor address, even if several numbers or addresses are saved tothat contact. The default number is also used in voice dialling.To change the default information for a contact, open thecontact, and select Options > Defaults. Select the numberor address you want to set as a default. The default numberor address is underlined in the contact.To add a contact to a group, select Options > Add togroup (shown only if you have created a group).Tip: To check to which groups a contact belongs, selectOptions > Belongs to groups.To add a speed dial key to the contact's phone number, selectOptions > Assign speed dial.To change the display order of the first and last names of yourcontacts, select Options > Settings, and Last name Firstname, or First name Last name.Manage contact groupsYou can create a contact group so that you can send messagesto several recipients at the same time.1. Open the contact groups tab, and select Options > Newgroup.2. Enter a name for the group, and select OK.3. Open the group, and select Options > Add members.4. Scroll to each contact you want to add to the group, andpress the scroll key to mark it.5. Select OK to add all marked contacts to the group.To remove a contact from a contact group, scroll to thecontact that you want to remove, and select Options >Remove from group.Add ringing tones for contactsYou can select a ringing tone for a contact or contact group.If the caller's phone number is sent with the incoming calland your device recognises the number, the ringing toneplays when the contact calls you.To select a ringing tone for a contact or contact group, openthe contact or contact group, and select Options > Ringingtone. A list of ringing tones opens. Select the ringing toneyou want to use.To remove the assigned ringing tone, select Default tonefrom the list of ringing tones.Send business cardsTo send a business card, select the contact from Contacts,select Options > Send, and the sending method. Enter thephone number or address, or add a recipient from Contacts.Select Options > Send. If you select text message as thesending method, business cards are sent without thumbnailimages.© 2007 Nokia. All rights reserved.42