M e n u f u n c t i o n s27TemplatesYour phone includes text templates,indicated by , and picturetemplates, indicated by .To access the template list, pressMenu, and select Messages, Textmessages and Templates.Insert a text template into amessage• When you are writing or replyingto a message, press Options.Select Use template and selectthe template that you want toinsert.Insert a picture into a text message• When you are writing or replyingto a message, press Options.Select Insert picture and select apicture to view it. Press Insert toinsert the picture into yourmessage. The indicator in theheader of the message indicatesthat a picture has been attached.The number of characters thatyou can enter in a message,depends on the size of thepicture.To view the text and the picturetogether before sending themessage, press Options andselect Preview.Archive folder and my foldersTo organise your messages, you canmove some of them to the Archivefolder, or add new folders for yourmessages.While reading a message, pressOptions. Select Move, scroll to thefolder that you want to move themessage to and press Select.To add or delete a folder, pressMenu, and select Messages, Textmessages, and My folders.• To add a folder, press Optionsand select, Add folder.• To delete a folder, scroll to thefolder that you want to delete,press Options and select Deletefolder.Distribution listsIf you need to send messages moreoften to a fixed group of recipients,you can define a distribution listcontaining those recipients and usethis list. Note that when you send amessage to a distribution list, thephone will send each member of thelist a separate message.