M e n u f u n c t i o n s685. For a total, press Options andselect Equals. Repeat steps 3 to 5as many times as is necessary.6. To start a new calculation, firstpress and hold Clear.Performing a currencyconversion1. Press Menu, and select Extrasand Calculator.2. To save the exchange rate, pressOptions and select Exchangerate. Select either of thedisplayed options. Enter theexchange rate, press for adecimal point, and press OK. Theexchange rate remains in thememory until you replace it withanother one.3. To perform the currencyconversion, enter the amount tobe converted, press Options andselect In domestic or In foreign.Tip: You can also perform thecurrency conversion instandby mode. Key in theamount to be converted,press Options and select Indomestic or In foreign.Countdown timerPress Menu, and select Extras andCountdown timer. Enter the time tobe counted in hours and minutes andseconds, and press OK. If you wish,enter your own note text which isdisplayed when the time expires, andpress OK to start the countdowntimer.• To change the countdown time,select Change time, or to stopthe timer, select Stop timer.If the alarm time is reached whenthe phone is in standby mode, thephone sounds a tone and flashes thenote text if it is set or elseCountdown time up. Select Restartto enter new countdown time, orselect Exit to stop the countdowntimer alarm.To access Countdown timer instandby mode, press any number keyor or , press Options andthen select Countdown timer.StopwatchYou can measure time, takeintermediate times or lap timesusing the stopwatch. During timing,the other functions of the phone canbe used. To set the stopwatch timingin the background, press .Using the stopwatch consumes thebattery and the phone's operatingtime will be reduced. Be careful notto let it run in the background whenperforming other operations withyour phone.