M e n u f u n c t i o n s59• Set as wallpaper to set theselected image file aswallpaper.• Set as ring tone to set theselected sound file as theringing tone.• Details to see the details ofthe file, for example the sizeof the file.• Sort to sort the files by date,type, name or size.• Delete all to delete all thefiles in the selected folder.• Edit image to insert text, aframe or clip-art to theselected picture.• View in sequence to view thefiles in the folder sequentially.4. Open the file you want. PressOptions and some of thefollowing options may beavailable:• Play to listen to or to view asound or image file.• Zoom to increase the size ofthe image that is contained inthe message.• Set contrast to adjust thecontrast level of the image.• Set as wallpaper to set theselected image file aswallpaper.• Set as ring tone to set theselected sound file as theringing tone.• Edit image to insert text, aframe or clip-art to theselected picture.• Details to see the details ofthe file, for example the sizeof the file.• Delete to delete the selectedfile.• Send to send the selected file,for example, via MMS.• Rename to give a new nameto the file.• View in sequence to view thefiles in the folder sequentially.Note that copyright protections mayprevent some images, ringing tonesand other content from beingcopied, modified, transferred orforwarded.■ Organiser(Menu 8)Note: Yourphone must be switched onto use the functions in theOrganiser menu. Do notswitch the phone on whenwireless phone use isprohibited or when it maycause interference ordanger.