M e n u f u n c t i o n s63■ Dictionary(Menu 9)In Dictionary, you can look up aChinese word for English translation,and look up an English word forChinese translation.Look up a word in theDictionary1. In standby mode, press Menu,scroll to Dictionary and pressSelect.2. If necessary, tap thecorresponding touch-keys withthe stylus to switch the inputmode to English if you want tolook up an English word.3. Input the Chinese or Englishword.After you input the firstcharacter or letter, a list of wordsstarting with the character orletter you input will be shown. Ifyou input more characters andletters, the list of words changesaccordingly.4. If necessary, press and tomove the highlight to the desiredEnglish or Chinese word.Press Select. If you look up aChinese word, the word and itsEnglish translation is shown. Ifyou look up an English word, theword, its pronunciation, genderand Chinese translation is shown.5. If you wish, you can press andto see the translation of otherChinese or English words on thelist.Look up the synonym orantonym of an English wordAfter you find the translation of anEnglish word, you can also look upthe synonym or antonym of theEnglish word if you wish.1. First find the English word in theDictionary. Refer to ”Look up aword in the Dictionary” on page63.2. When the translation of the wordis displayed, press Options.3. If the synonym and/or antonymof the word exists, Synonymsand/or Antonyms is displayed inthe option’s list.Press to highlight Synonymsor Antonyms, and press Select.4. A list of synonyms or antonyms isdisplayed.To see more about the words inthe list, operate according tosteps 4 and 5 in ”Look up a wordin the Dictionary” on page 63.