M e n u f u n c t i o n s83• User certificates are issued tousers by a Certifying Authority.User certificates are required, forexample, to make a digitalsignature and they associate theuser with a specific private key ina security module.Important: Note, however,that even if the use ofcertificates makes the risksinvolved in remoteconnections and softwareinstallation considerablysmaller, they must be usedcorrectly in order to benefitfrom increased security. Theexistence of a certificatedoes not offer anyprotection by itself; thecertificate manager mustcontain correct, authentic,or trusted certificates forincreased security to beavailable.Important: Certificates have arestricted lifetime. If Expiredcertificate or Certificate not validyet is shown even if the certificateshould be valid, check that thecurrent date and time in your phoneare correct.Important: Before changing thesesettings, you must make sure thatyou really trust the owner of thecertificate and that the certificatereally belongs to the listed owner.Digital signatureYou can make digital signatures withyour phone (network service). Thesignature can be traced back to youvia the private key on the securitymodule and the user certificate thatwas used to perform the signature.Using the digital signature can bethe same as signing your name to apaper bill, contract or otherdocument.To make a digital signature, select alink on a page, for example, the titleof the book you want to buy and itsprice. The text to sign (possiblyincluding amount, date, etc.) will beshown.Check that the header text is Readand that the digital signature iconis shown.Note: If the digital signatureicon does not appear, thereis a security breach, and youshould not enter anypersonal data such as yoursigning PIN.To sign the text, read all of the textfirst and then you can select Sign.Note: The text may not fitwithin a single screen.Therefore, make sure toscroll through and read allof the text before signing.