M e n u f u n c t i o n s67• Use the game downloadfunctionality, see ”Gameservices” on page 64.• Use the Nokia Applicationinstaller from PC Suite todownload the applications inyour phone (network service).Note that Nokia does notwarrant for applicationsfrom non-Nokia sites. If youchoose to download Javaapplications from them, youshould take the sameprecautions, for security orcontent, as you would withany site.Note that when downloading anapplication, it may be saved inGames menu instead of theApplications menu.Memory status forapplicationsTo view the amount of memoryavailable for game and applicationinstallations, press Menu, and selectApplications and Memory.The applications use shared memory.Refer to ”Shared memory” onpage xiv.■ Extras(Menu 12)Note: Yourphone must be switched onto use the functions inExtras menu. Do not switchthe phone on when wirelessphone use is prohibited orwhen it may causeinterference or danger.CalculatorThe calculator in your phone adds,subtracts, multiplies, divides,calculates the square and the squareroot and converts currency values.This calculator has a limitedaccuracy and rounding errors mayoccur, especially in long divisions.1. Press Menu, and select Extrasand Calculator.2. When ’0’ is displayed on thescreen, enter the first number inthe calculation, press for adecimal point.3. Press Options and select Add,Subtract, Multiply, Divide,Square, Square root or Changesign.Tip: Alternatively, pressonce to add, twice to subtract,three times to multiply or fourtimes to divide.4. Enter the second number.