M e n u f u n c t i o n s72to correspond with the data of yourcompatible PC by starting thesynchronisation from your PC. Thecontacts in your SIM card will not besynchronised.Note that answering an incomingcall during synchronisation will endthe synchronisation and you need tostart it again.Synchronising from your phoneBefore synchronising from yourphone, you may need to do thefollowing:• Subscribe to a synchronisationservice. For more information onavailability and thesynchronisation service settings,contact your network operator orservice provider.• Retrieve the synchronisationsettings from your networkoperator or service provider.You may receive thesynchronisation settings as a textmessage, see ”Save thesynchronisation settings receivedas a text message” on page 73 oryou may have to enter thesettings manually, see ”Enter thesynchronisation settingsmanually” on page 73.To start the synchronisation fromyour phone:1. Press Menu, and select Services,Settings, Connection settings,Active service settings and selectthe connection settings you needfor synchronisation.The synchronisation settings maydiffer from the service settingsrequired for WAP browsing. Aftersynchronising, change yourActive service settings back tothe previous ones if you want touse other WAP services later.2. Mark the data to besynchronised. See Data to besynchronised in ”Enter thesynchronisation settingsmanually” on page 73.3. Press Menu, and select Extras,Synchronisation andSynchronise.4. The marked data of the active setwill be synchronised afterconfirmation.Note that synchronising for thefirst time or after an interruptedsynchronisation may take up to30 minutes, if the contacts orcalendar are full.