M e n u f u n c t i o n s37• Use SMTP authorisation. Ifyour e-mail serviceprovider requiresauthentication for sendinge-mails, set the setting toon. You must also defineyour SMTP user name andSMTP password.• SMTP user name. Key inthe user name foroutgoing e-mails that youhave obtained from youre-mail service provider.• SMTP password. Key in thepassword for outgoinge-mails. If you have notdefined a password, youmay be asked to define onewhen your phone connectsto your e-mail account.• Outgoing (SMTP) port. Keyin the number of thee-mail server port foroutgoing e-mail. The mostcommon default value is25.• Incoming (POP3/IMAP)port. Key in the portnumber that you haveobtained from your e-mailservice provider.• Reply-to address. Key inthe e-mail address towhich you want the repliesto be sent, if it differs fromyour e-mail address.• Secure login APOP. SelectOn if your connectionrequires an encryptedlogin, otherwise leave it toOff. Contact your serviceprovider if in doubt. Thisoption is only shown, ifyou have selected POP3 asyour mailbox type.• Retrieve e-mails. Input thenumber of e-mails youwant to retrieve at onetime.Options available for thee-mail application• Connect via to activate thenetwork connection settings foryour e-mail function.• Details to give additionalinformation about theapplication.ChatYou can have a text message basedconversation with another personusing this faster text messagingapplication (network service). Youcannot save received or sentmessages, but you can view themwhile chatting. Each message is sentas a separate text message.