Y o u r p h o n e2 Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.6. ends an active call. Exitsfrom any function.7. - enter numbers andcharacters.and are used forvarious purposes in differentfunctions.1. Charger connector2. Pop-PortTM connector forheadsets and the data cable, forexample3. Infrared (IR) port■ Standby modeWhen the phone is ready for use, andyou have not keyed in anycharacters, the phone is in standbymode.1. Indicates in which cellularnetwork the phone is currentlybeing used.2. Shows the signal strength of thecellular network at your currentlocation. The higher the bar, thestronger the signal.3. Shows the battery charge level.The higher the bar, the morepower in the battery.4. The left selection key in standbymode is Menu.5. The right selection key in standbymode is Names.See also ”Essential indicators instandby mode” on page 3.Screen saverThe phone automatically activatesthe screen saver, a digital clock view,for power saving in standby mode. Itwill be activated in a certain timewhen no function of the phone isused. See ”Screen saver” on page 41.Press any key to deactivate thescreen saver.Note that if you have not set thetime, 00:00 is displayed. To set thetime, see ”Clock” on page 37.