M e n u f u n c t i o n s56 Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.• To activate the IR port of yourphone to receive data via IR,press Menu, and selectConnectivity and Infrared.• The user of the sending phoneselects the desired IR function tostart data transfer.If data transfer is not started withintwo minutes after the activation ofthe IR port, the connection iscancelled and has to be startedagain.IR connection indicator• When is showncontinuously, the IR connectionis activated and your phone isready to send or receive data viaits IR port.• When blinks, your phone istrying to connect to the otherdevice or a connection has beenlost.GPRSGPRS connectionYou can set the phone toautomatically register to a GPRSnetwork when you switch the phoneon. Press Menu, and selectConnectivity, GPRS, GPRSconnection and Always online.Starting a WAP or PC dial-upapplication, or sending/receivingmultimedia messages creates theconnection between phone andnetwork and data transfer ispossible. When you end theapplication, GPRS connection isended but the registration to theGPRS network remains.If you select When needed, the GPRSconnection is established when anapplication needs it and closed whenyou end the application.GPRS modem settingsYou can connect the phone viainfrared or data cable connection toa compatible PC and use the phoneas a modem to enable GPRSconnectivity from the PC.Press Menu, and selectConnectivity, GPRS and GPRSmodem settings. Select Activeaccess point and activate the accesspoint you want to use. Select Editactive access point to change theaccess point settings.• Scroll to Alias for access pointand press Select. Key in the nameyou would like for the activatedaccess point and press OK.• Scroll to GPRS access point andpress Select. Key in the AccessPoint Name (APN) and press OK.An access point name is neededto establish a connection to aGPRS network. You can obtainthe Access Point Name from yournetwork operator or serviceprovider.