M e n u f u n c t i o n s62 Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.Appearance settings of WAPbrowser1. While browsing, press Optionsand select Appear. settings, or instandby mode, press Menu, andselect Services, Settings andAppearance settings.2. Select Text wrapping or Showimages.3. Select On or Off for Textwrapping and Yes or No for Showimages.When Text wrapping is set to On,the text continues on the nextline if it cannot be shown on oneline. If you select Off, the text isabbreviated if it is too long to beshown on one line.When Show images is set to No,any pictures appearing on theWAP page are not shown. Thiscan speed up the browsing ofWAP pages that contain a lot ofpictures.Cookie settingsYou can set the phone to allow orprevent receiving cookies.A cookie is data that a WAP sitesaves in your phone’s browser cachememory. The data can be, forexample, your user information oryour browsing preferences. Cookieswill be saved until you clear thecache memory, see ”The cachememory” on page 63.1. While browsing, press Optionsand select Cookie settings, or instandby mode, press Menu, andselect Services and Settings.2. Select Cookies and select Allowor Reject to allow or prevent thephone receiving cookies.BookmarksYou can save WAP page addresses asbookmarks in the phone’s memory.1. While browsing, press Optionsand select Bookmarks, or instandby mode, press Menu, andselect Services and Bookmarks.2. Scroll to the bookmark you wantto use and press Options.3. Select one of the followingoptions:Go to to make a connection tothe WAP page associated withthe bookmark.Edit or Delete to modify or deletethe selected bookmark.Send to send the selectedbookmark directly to anotherphone select As bookmark, or tosend the bookmark as a textmessage, select As text message.New bookmark to create a newbookmark without connection tothe WAP service. Key in theaddress and the title of the WAPpage and press OK.