the password. Not all memory cards support passwordprotection.To remove the memory card password, select Options >Memory card password > Remove. When you removethe password, the data on the memory card is notprotected against unauthorized use.To open a locked memory card, select Options > Unlockmemory card. Enter the password.If you cannot recall the password to unlock a lockedmemory card, you may reformat the card, in which casethe card is unlocked and password removed. Formattinga memory card destroys all data stored on the card.EncryptionSelect Menu > Ctrl. panel > Phone > Encryption.Encrypt your device or memory card to prevent outsidersfrom accessing your important information.Encrypt device memory ormemory cardTo encrypt the device memory, select Phone memory.To encrypt the memory card, select Memory card andfrom the following:• Encrypt without saving key — Encrypt the memorycard without saving the encryption key. If you selectthis option, you cannot use the memory card in otherdevices, and if you restore factory settings, you cannotdecrypt the memory card.• Encrypt and save key — Encrypt the memory card andsave the key manually in the default folder. For security,store the key to a safe place outside the device. Forexample, you can send the key to your computer. Entera pass phrase for the key and a name for the key file.The pass phrase should be long and complex.• Encrypt with restored key — Encrypt the memorycard with a key you have received. Select the key fileand enter the pass phrase.Decrypt device memory ormemory cardAlways remember to decrypt the device memory and/orthe memory card before updating the device software.To decrypt the device memory, select Phone memory.To decrypt the memory card without destroying theencryption key, select Memory card > Decrypt.To decrypt the memory card and destroy the encryptionkey, select Memory card > Decrypt and turn offencryption.Fixed dialingSelect Menu > Contacts and Options > SIMnumbers > Fixed dial contacts.With the fixed dialing service, you can restrict calls fromyour device to certain phone numbers. Not all SIM cardssupport the fixed dialing service. For more information,contact your service provider.108 Security and data management