Messaging settingsSelect Menu > Messaging and Options > Settings.Open the message type in question, and define all fieldsmarked with Must be defined or with a red asterisk.Your device may recognize the SIM card provider andconfigure the correct text message, multimedia message,and GPRS settings automatically. If not, contact yourservice provider for the correct settings, order the settingsfrom your service provider in a configuration message, oruse the Settings wizard application.Text message settingsSelect Menu > Messaging and Options > Settings >Text message.Select from the following:• Message centers — View the available messagecenters for your device, or add a new one.• Message center in use — Select a message center tosend the message.• Character encoding — Select Reduced support touse automatic character conversion to anotherencoding system when available.• Receive report — Select Yes if you want the networkto send you delivery reports on your messages(network service).• Message validity — Select how long the messagecenter resends your message if the first attempt fails(network service). If the recipient cannot be reachedwithin the validity period, the message is deleted fromthe message center.• Message sent as — Convert the message to anotherformat. Change this option only if you are sure that yourmessage center is able to convert text messages intothese other formats. For more information, contactyour service provider.• Preferred connection — Select the preferred methodof connection when sending text messages from yourdevice.• Reply via same center — Select whether you wantthe reply message to be sent using the same textmessage center number (network service).Multimedia message settingsSelect Menu > Messaging and Options > Settings >Multimedia message.Select from the following:• Image size — Scale images in multimedia messages.• MMS creation mode — Select Restricted to set yourdevice to prevent you from including content inmultimedia messages that may not be supported by thenetwork or the receiving device. To receive warningsabout including such content, select Guided. To createa multimedia message with no restrictions onattachment type, select Free. If you select Restricted,creating multimedia presentations is not possible.• Access point in use — Select the default access pointto connect to the multimedia message center. You maynot be able to change the default access point if it ispreset in your device by your service provider.• Multimedia retrieval — Select how you want toreceive messages, if available. Select Alwaysautomatic to receive multimedia messages always 49 Messaging