Play the video clip.Send the image or video clip.Upload the image or video clip to a compatibleonline album (only available if you have set up anaccount for a compatible online album).Add the item to an album.Manage tags and other properties of the item.AlbumsSelect Menu > Media > Gallery > Images andAlbums.With albums, you can conveniently manage yourimages and video clips.To create a new album, select Options > Newalbum.To add an image or a video clip to an album, select theitem and Options > Add to album. A list of albumsopens. Select the album to which you want to add theimage or video clip. The item you added to the albumis still visible in Photos.To remove an image or a video clip from an album,select the album and the item, and Options >Remove from album.TagsSelect Menu > Media > Gallery > Images.Use tags to categorise media items in Photos. You cancreate and delete tags in Tag manager. Tag managershows the currently used tags and the number of itemsassociated with each tag.To open Tag manager, select an image or video clip andOptions > Details > Tag manager.To create a tag, select Options > New tag.To assign a tag to an image, select the image andOptions > Add tags.To see the tags you have created, select Tags. The sizeof the tag name corresponds to the number of itemsthe tag is assigned to. To view all the images associatedwith a tag, select the tag from the list.To view the list in alphabetical order, select Options >Alphabetical.To view the list in most frequently used order, selectOptions > Most used.To remove an image from a tag, select the tag and theimage, and select Options > Remove from tag.Slide showSelect Menu > Media > Gallery > Images.To view your images as a slide show, select an imageand Options > Slide show > Play forwards or Playbackwards. The slide show starts from the selectedfile.To view only the selected images as a slide show, selectOptions > Mark/Unmark > Mark to mark images.To start the slide show, select Options > Slideshow > Play forwards or Play backwards.To resume a paused slide show, select Continue. 109 Media