Access pointsCreate a new access pointSelect Menu > Ctrl. panel > Settings andConnection > Destinations.You may receive access point settings in a messagefrom a service provider. Some or all access points maybe preset for your device by your service provider, andyou may not be able to change, create, edit, or removethem.When you select one of the access point groups ( ,, , , ), you can see the access point types:indicates a protected access pointindicates a packet data access pointindicates a wireless LAN (WLAN) access pointTip: You can create internet access points in aWLAN with the WLAN wizard.To create a new access point, select Access point.The device asks to check for available connections.After the search, connections that are already availableare displayed and can be shared by a new access point.If you skip this step, you are asked to select aconnection method and to define the settings needed.To edit the settings of an access point, select one of theaccess point groups, scroll to an access point, and selectEdit. Use the instructions provided by your serviceprovider to edit the following:• Connection name — Enter a name for theconnection.• Data bearer — Select the data connection type.Depending on the data connection you select, onlycertain setting fields are available. Fill in all fieldsmarked with Must be defined or with a red *. Otherfields can be left empty, unless your service providerhas instructed otherwise.To use a data connection, your service provider mustsupport this feature, and if necessary, activate it foryour SIM card.Create access point groupsSelect Menu > Ctrl. panel > Settings andConnection > Destinations.Some applications allow you to use access point groupsto connect to a network.To avoid selecting which access point to use every timethe device attempts to connect to a network, you cancreate a group that contains various access points, anddefine the order in which the access points are used toconnect to a network.For example, you can add wireless LAN (WLAN) andpacket data access points to an internet access pointgroup and use the group for browsing the web. If yougive the WLAN access point the higher priority, thedevice connects to the internet through a WLAN ifavailable and through a packet data connection if not.To create a new access point group, select Options >Manage > New destination.To add access points to an access point group, selectthe group and Options > New access point. To copyan existing access point from another group, select thegroup, scroll to an existing access point, and selectOptions > Organise > Copy to other dest.. 137 Settings