To download new items from the serviceautomatically, select Download interval and theinterval for the downloads. To download itemsmanually, select Manual.Data countersSelect Menu > Media > Share online.To check the amount of data you have uploaded anddownloaded, select Options > Settings > Datatransferred.To reset the counters, select Options > Clear sent,Clear received, or Clear all.Music playerSelect Menu > Media > Music player.Music player supports files formats such as AAC, AAC+,eAAC+, MP3, and WMA. Music player does notnecessarily support all features of a file format or allthe variations of file formats.Play a songSelect Menu > Media > Music player.To add all available songs to the music library, selectOptions > Refresh library.To play a song, select the desired category, and thesong.To pause playback, press the scroll key; to resume,press the scroll key again. To stop playback, scrolldown.To fast-forward or rewind, press and hold the scroll keyto the right or left.To skip to the next item, scroll right. To return to thebeginning of the item, scroll left. To skip to the previousitem, scroll left again within 2 seconds after a song hasstarted.To modify the tone of the music playback, selectOptions > Equaliser.To modify the balance and stereo image, or to enhancethe bass, select Options > Settings.To return to the home screen and leave the playerplaying in the background, press the end key briefly.Warning: Continuous exposure to high volumemay damage your hearing. Listen to music at amoderate level, and do not hold the device near yourear when the loudspeaker is in use.PlaylistsTo view and manage playlists, select Music library >Playlists.To create a new playlist, select Options > Newplaylist.To add songs to the playlist, select the song andOptions > Add songs > Saved playlist or Newplaylist. 115 Media