Copyright © 2019 Nortek Security & Control LLC. 19Smart AreasTap the System Smart Areas button on the Home screento reveal the Smart Areas control screen. This screenprovides users with status and control of the Smart Areas towhich they are assigned. To learn about the options in thismenu, see “Smart Areas Info.”Smart Areas Control ScreenSystem Info and UsageTap the System Info and Usage button on the Homescreen to reveal the System Info and Usage menu.This menu provides users with access to system history,system information, and contact information for your 2GIGalarm dealer. To learn about the options in this menu, see“System Info and Usage.”System Info and Usage MenuSystem SettingsTap the System Settings button on the Home screento reveal the System Settings menu. This menu givesusers access to general settings for the GC3e Security& Automation System. To learn about the options in thismenu, “System Settings.”NOTE: To use this feature, you must know the four-digit Master User Code.System Settings MenuResponding to Trouble AlertsTo ensure that all system components are operating underoptimal conditions, the system continually polls all of thewired and wireless sensors paired with the system. It alsocontinuously checks the GC3e Panel to ensure that it isoperating properly. If a trouble condition is detected, thesystem alerts you of the issue.Monitoring the System for Trouble ConditionsThe system monitors the GC3e Panel and its sensors so itcan notify you when the following trouble conditions occur:» AC power loss to the panel» Cell radio connection interruption Sensor lowbattery» Panel backup battery low Sensor tamper» Panel tamper» Sensor supervision (if enabled)When a Trouble Condition OccursWhen a trouble condition occurs, the system alerts youso that either you or your 2GIG alarm dealer can promptlyaddress the issue and return the system to proper workingorder:» An alert notification is sent to the system’s Inboxand the Messages icon flashes.» The system sounds six (6) alert tones every minute,until the alert is acknowledged.NOTE: Troubles that affect the whole system or LifeSafety sensors are “Global” and will display in eachSmart Area and will need acknowledged in eachSmart Area.NOTE: Consult your installer to determine if theTrouble Doesn’t Sound at Night feature is enabledon the system. When enabled, the system silencesonly the alert tones only during the hours of 10 9 a.m. It will not stop the trouble alert notificationfrom displaying on the touchscreen so they can beacknowledged, nor will it stop the trouble alert reportfrom being sent to the Central Station.