Copyright © 2019 Nortek Security & Control LLC20NOTE: For compliance with UL 985: HouseholdFire Warning System Units, the six (6) trouble alerttones for Wireless Smoke/Heat/Freeze Alarms andWireless Carbon Monoxide Detectors are requiredto sound at an interval of once every four (4) hours,until the condition causing the alert is resolved.» A trouble report is sent to the Central Station.NOTE: Consult your installer to determine if theTrouble Reports to CS feature is enabled. Whenenabled, the system transmits trouble reports aboutsensors to the Central Station.Burglary ProtectionOverviewDuring setup, the installer typically configures a variety ofwireless and wired sensors to protect your dwelling fromunwanted intrusion. Different types of sensors may beinstalled in your dwelling for burglary protection includingdoor/window contacts, glassbreak detectors, imagesensors, and motion detectors. These sensors are intendedto protect both the perimeter and interior of the premises.NOTE: This burglary alarm system is in compliancewith the standards defined in UL 681: Installationand Classification of Burglar and Holdup AlarmSystems and UL 827: Central- Station AlarmServices.Important ConceptsTo help you get the most out of the burglary protectionpart of the system, it is useful to understand the conceptsdetailed below.Perimeter and Interior SensorsThe system provides burglary protection using acombination of sensors that have been installed in andaround your dwelling:» Perimeter Sensors: Sensors intended to placethe system into an alarm state when an intruderenters a dwelling. Perimeter sensors (for example,Door/Window Contacts and Wireless Glass BreakDetectors) are typically installed at possible entrypoints, such as front doors, sliding glass doors,back doors, side doors, garage doors, and picturewindows.» Interior Sensors: Sensors intended to place thesystem into an alarm state by detecting forced entryof the premises by an intruder. Interior sensors aretypically installed at possible movement points.For example, a motion detector might be installedto detect movement across a basement, down ahallway, or up a stairwell.Once installed, the system continuously monitors all ofits sensors. For an alarm to sound, burglary protectionsensors must be armed (see “Arm the System”). Thesystem is also programmed by the installer to notify youabout different events. For example, when you open aperimeter door, it transmits a status message to the GC3ePanel. The panel then shows that the door is open and thesystem announces the door’s voice descriptor.Protection ZonesWhen programmed into the system by the installer, eachsensor is intended to protect a particular zone. Typicalexamples of zones that may be protected by a sensorinclude, Front Door, Back Door, Basement Window,Laundry Room, and so on. During programming, theinstaller may also create a voice descriptor for each zone.The GC3e Panel uses the voice descriptor in two ways:» As a verbal announcement to notify occupants whena perimeter sensor is open, closed, or when analarm is set off.» As the display name of the sensor’s zone on thetouchscreen.Stay and Away ModeUnlike fire protection sensors (which are always ON andprotecting the dwelling), burglary protection sensors mustbe turned ON (see “Arm the System”) and OFF (see “ToDisarm the System”). This system can be armed in one oftwo modes:» Stay Mode: Arms the system except interiorsensors. Arm the system in this mode whenindividuals will be occupying the premises. Thisarms only the sensor-protected perimeter doors andwindows, leaving interior motion sensors or otherinterior doors unarmed. In a home setting, StayMode is frequently used during the evening hourswhen occupants do not intend to enter or exit thedwelling. This lets you move about without triggeringthe burglary alarm. Because all the interior burglaryprotection is OFF, an alarm would only be triggeredif a sensor-protected perimeter door or window isopened.» Away Mode: Arms the system including interiorsensors. Use this mode to arm the system wheneveryone will be leaving the premises. This modearms all sensor-protected perimeter doors andwindows, interior motion sensors, interior glassbreak sensors, and any other sensor-protectedinterior doors. Away Mode is frequently used duringday time hours in residential installations and duringnon-business hours in commercial installations.Because all burglary protection features are ON,an alarm would be triggered when movement isdetected, if any protected doors or windows areopened, or if glass breakage is detected (if glassbreak detectors have been installed).