Copyright © 2019 Nortek Security & Control LLC. 33sets off a silent panic alarm with no siren. The system alsotransmits a police report to the Central Station.NOTE: Consult your installer to determine if thePolice Emergency Key is configured to sound anaudible alarm or a silent panic alarm.NOTE: Consult your installer to determine if the2-Way Voice feature is enabled on the system. Ifenabled, setting off the Panic alarm gives operatorsat the Central Station the ability use the ControlPanel’s built-in speaker and microphone to conversewith people on the premises.NOTE: Consult your installer to determine if theSilent Panic/Burglary Listen Only feature is enabledon the system. If enabled, setting off the Panic alarmgives operators at the Central Station the ability touse the Control Panel’s built-in microphone to listen.If the panic alarm is sent, the operator can onlylisten. For your protection, you and the operator willnot be able to talk.Fire ButtonWhen a user touches and holds the Fire button for two(2) seconds, the system immediately goes into the alarmstate. The Control Panel emits a loud, patterned warningsiren that is in compliance with ANSI S3.41 Temporal-3Fire Alarm Signal and continues to sound until the systemis disarmed (see “To Disarm the System”) or the Fire BellCutoff Time expires. The system also transmits a FireReport to the Central Station.NOTE: Consult your installer to determine how theFire Bell Cutoff Time is configured on your system.The time can be configured to last 4 minutes, 8minutes, 12 minutes, 16 minutes, or Unlimited (nocutoff). The default setting is four (4) minutes.NOTE: If Smart Areas is enabled the Fire Button willcreate a global alarm in all Smart Areas. The alarmmust be acknowledged/cleared in each Smart Area.Emergency ButtonWhen a user touches and holds the Emergency button two(2) seconds, the system immediately goes into the alarmstate. The Control Panel emits a loud , patterned warningsiren and continues to sound until the system is disarmed(see “To Disarm the System”). The system also transmitsan Emergency Report to the Central Station.Activate a Manual Panic, Fire, or EmergencyAlarmYou can activate a panic, fire, or emergency alarm usingthe GC3e Panel.To activate a manual alarm:1. Press the Alarm button on the GC3e Panel.GC3e Panel—Alarm Button2. Touch and hold the Panic, Fire, or Emergencybutton for two (2) seconds.24-Hour Alarm ButtonsNOTE: Consult your installer about your system’semergency key settings. Typically, all three buttonsare enabled and visible on the touchscreen bydefault. However, some systems may be configuredto hide one or more of these buttons.