Copyright © 2019 Nortek Security & Control LLC. 39RoomsUse the Rooms screen to create customized settings forthe smart home controls in a specific room. There is nofunctional limit on the number of rooms that you can createfor the system.Rooms ScreenExamples: When to Create RoomsThere are a wide variety of rooms that you can create.Some of the more common include:» Front Room Create customized settings for yourdwelling’s living room.» Master Bedroom Create customized settings foryour dwelling’s master bedroom.» Basement Create customized settings for yourhome’s basement.Add a New RoomTo add a new room:1. Navigate to the Smart Home Controls menu. See“Navigate to the Smart Home Controls Menu.”2. At the Smart Home Controls screen, tap Rooms.Smart Home Controls > RoomsThis reveals the Rooms screen.3. At the Rooms screen, tap Edit Rooms.Rooms > Edit Rooms4. While in editing mode, tap Add New Room.Add New Room5. At the Enter a Name for the New Room screen,enter a name and then tap Next.For example, enter: Home TheaterEnter a Name for the New Room