Service Manual ALS/XLS 20x/256/27202/2019 | 02 142 Enhanced FunctionsINTERFACE COMMANDSCommand overviewCommand Function Can take values#!An – Activate interface [4A]– Once the command #!A1 hasbeen given, all commands re-ceived are interpreted as inter-face commands.n = Machine ID (is set using INTER-FACE PARA >EASYPLUGINTERPR > Dis-penser ID no.#!CLRE Acknowledge status message (onlypossible, if the quit method is not„N“)#!CLRW Reset warning status.#!D Same effect as external start signal.#!ERRF Get status message#!Pn – Deactivate interface– Once the command #!P1 hasbeen given, the commands re-ceived are no longer interpretedas interface commands.n = Machine ID (is set using INTER-FACE PARA >EASYPLUGINTERPR > Dis-penser ID no.#!PG#G#!PGnGives readout of menu function set-tings via the interface that is set upfor use [4]. = identification num-ber of menu functionn = [-1 , -2, -4, -8, -16, -32, -xx]#PB s/n/=[, =]#GValue assignment to one ore morefunctions in a product profile.s = number of the product profilen = name of the product profile = identification num-ber of menu function#PC/ #G Adjusting a parameter in the param-eter menu. Effective only after reset. = identification num-ber of menu function = Setting value of the func-tion#!PC/ Immediate adjustment of a parame-ter in the parameter menu during op-eration. Immediate effect. = identification num-ber of menu function = Setting value of the func-tion#!SP Stop dispenser#!SR Restart dispenser#!WARF Get warning status#!XMn#G Save diagnose dump in Flash and/orsend it to interfacen = [-99, -100][Tab. 22] Overview of interface commands