Service Manual ALS/XLS 20x/256/27202/2019 | 01 15 Please observe the followingSAFETY INSTRUCTIONSInformation and qualificationsEnsure necessary qualifications Only allow appropriately qualified personnel to set up, adjust, and repair the labeler, e.g. me-chanical and electronics specialists. Only allow work on the electronics system to be done by authorised electronics technicians. Clearly define the responsibilities for installing, setting up, adjusting, and repairing the labeler.Consistently adhere to the responsibilities.Qualification for system integrators and service technicians („service personnel“)Knowledge required to install the print dispenser and perform service work must be demon-strated through appropriate qualification. Only service personnel with technical training areable to assess the tasks to be performed and recognise potential dangers.– Knowledge acquired through technical training in mechanics and electronics (for example inGermany the training to become a mechatronics engineer).– Participation in a technical training course for the corresponding labeler offered by the manufac-turer.– The service personnel must be acquainted with the functionality of the labeler.– The system integrator must be acquainted with the functionality of the of the system into whichthe labeler is being integrated.1) For example faults when detecting labels2) For example incorrect labellingTasks System integrator Operator Service technicianInstall the machine XConnect XMake settings XSwitch on/off X X XInsert/change material/ribbon X X XApplication-related settings X X XRectify minor operating faults 1 X X XClean the machine X XRectify major operating faults 2 XSettings to the electronics/ mechanics XRepairs XManual: Service manual Operating Manual Service manual, spareparts catalogue[tab. 1]An example of the distribution of tasks among different qualified personnel