Service Manual ALS/XLS 20x/256/27202/2019 | 02 90INTERFACE PARA menuSubmenu >EASYPLUGINTERPRInterface function– Setting the active data interface– Settings: [USB, Automatic, „TCP/IP SOCKET“, „Serial Com1“]USB: USB 1.1 Interface.USB IDs:Automatic: All interfaces can receive data, although not simultaneously .“TCP/IP SOCKET”: Data can be sent via a TCP/IP socket to the Ethernet interface.“Serial Com1”: Serial interface Com1.During tandem operation, Com1 is used for communication between master and slavemachine. Therefore, the interface function may not be set to „Automatic“ or to „Serial Com1“.Dispenser ID no. function– Labeler identification number– Adjustment range: [0…31]– Sets the identification number of the labeler. The labeler can then be called with the interfacecommand: #!An (n=labeler ID). Setting up ID numbers is particularly sensible for data transfervia RS422/485 interface, if more than one labeler is connected via a data link. Each of the labe-lers connected then only processes the data addressed to it using the “#!An” commandSpooler size function– The size of the data buffer memory can be set to fit customer requirements.– Adjustment range: [96…256] KBytes; default: 96; increment: 16Submenu >COM1 PORTBaud rate function– Data transfer rate– Settings: [300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200] bit/sMachine IDALS/XLS 204 0x204ALS/XLS 206 0x206ALS/XLS 209 0x209ALS/XLS 256 0x256ALS/XLS 272 0x202CAUTION!To avoid malfunctions: Do not send data to more than one interface at any one time.