10 Océ TDS400 Digital Multifunctional System User ManualAbout this manualThis manual contains the following chaptersChapter 1: Introduction Contains a general introduction to the Océ TDS400system, a general description of the main features, delivery options andsoftware applications provided with the system.Chapter 2: Use the Océ TDS400 to print Contains a short description of howto use the printer.Chapter 3: Use the Océ TDS400 to copy Contains a description of how to usethe scanner to make copies.Chapter 4: Use the Océ TDS400 to scan Describes how to scan the originalsto a file.Chapter 5: Océ Power Logic®: The Settings Editor Gives information aboutthe Settings Editor. For details about specific settings, refer to the Help on theSettings Editor.Chapter 6: Océ Power Logic®: The System Control Panel Describes how tolook at the system status of the Océ TDS400.Chapter 7: Océ Power Logic®: The Queue Manager Describes how to viewand manage jobs in the Océ TDS400 print queue, inbox queue, and historyqueue. It shows how to cancel the active print and how to delete the prints, howto hold the print jobs in the queue, how to restart the jobs, and how to movejobs to top.Chapter 8: Océ Power Logic®: Remote Logic describes the installation andthe functionality of the Océ TDS400 remote controller applications.Chapter 9: Océ Print Exec® LT Web describes an optional job submissionapplication which allows you to send print jobs to a printer from your webbrowser.Chapter 10: Océ Power Logic®: Account logging describes an optionalfeature that enables you to track how many jobs you make for a customer. Thischapter describes how you use the accounting functionality for this purpose.