VL6522c/VL5522c/VL4522c 3-213.4 Network Error Codes 3LDAP 10000 Failed in authentication using a PKI card.12236 The ticket certificate has expired.12239 The ticket certificate does not have the expected usage for a serv-er.12240 The ticket certificate is not trusted. To trust the certificate, the cer-tificate must be registered to the system.12241 The ticket certificate has expired.12242 The CA server rejected the connection.12243 The connection to the server that checks for expiration of the cer-tificate has timed out.12244 Unable to check for expiration because the CRL size exceeds themaximum capacity that can be retained (1MB).12261 The format of the ticket certificate is invalid.12263 Although the environment is configured to use the HDD, it is una-ble to perform validation because the HDD path has not beenspecified.12264 Unable to perform verification because there are too many certifi-cates to be validated (the maximum number of certificates thatcan be verified at a time is 20).12266 Internal error of the certificate validation.E-Mail/Internet Fax 1 Failed to log in to the E-mail server.2 An internal error occurred.3 Failed to connect to the server.4 The connection has timed out.5 Decoding failed due to invalid MIME format or S/MIME format.6 Available free memory is insufficient. Reception is not possible.7 Job ID is invalid.9 Failed to delete an E-mail message.10 The mail box is full.11 Failed to search the certificate.12 Failed to retrieve the device certificate or private key.13 An I/O error occurred.An HDD operation error occurred, or memory capacity of the com-puter may be insufficient.14 The S/MIME function is disabled.15 The HDD is disabled.16 The format of the certificate from the E-mail sender is invalid.2236 The certificate has expired, or the validity period has not yet start-ed.2238 The CN field of the certificate does not match the server address.2239 The certificate does not have the expected usage.2240 The certificate is not trusted. To trust the certificate, the certificatemust be registered to the system.2241 The certificate has expired.2242 The CA server rejected the connection.2243 The connection to the server that checks for expiration of the cer-tificate has timed out.2244 Unable to check for expiration because the CRL size exceeds themaximum capacity that can be retained (1MB).Function Code Description