1 Before using the scan functions1-12 cm3521Before using the scan functions Chapter 11.5 Flow chart of setup and scanning operationsThe sequence from the setup operations required to use the scanning func-tions to the scanning operation is shown below.Specify scan settings in the screen that appears after pressing the [Utility/Counter] key,then touching [User Setting].* Specify basic settings such as the format in which scanned data is saved. (Refer to“Setting the main scan mode screen” on page 3-30 and “Setting the save format of thedata to be scanned” on page 3-34.)Specify network settings in the screen that appears after pressing the [Utility/Counter]key, then touching [Administrator Setting].* Specify settings in order to use the machine on the network. (Refer to “TCP/IP settings”on page 3-47, “NetWare settings” on page 3-54, “http server settings” on page 3-59,“FTP Setting” on page 3-66, “SMB Setting” on page 3-69, “AppleTalk Setting” onpage 3-73, “Enabling LDAP” on page 3-75, “Setting up LDAP Settings” on page 3-77,“Search Default Setting” on page 3-86, “E-Mail TX (SMTP) settings” on page 3-87, “E-Mail RX (POP) settings” on page 3-95, “Device settings” on page 3-99, “Time adjustmentsettings” on page 3-101, “Status notification settings” on page 3-104, “Total counter re-port setting” on page 3-106, “PING Confirmation” on page 3-111, “SLP settings” onpage 3-115, “LPD settings” on page 3-116, “Prefix/Suffix settings” on page 3-117, “Jobfor the disable proof” on page 3-121, “SNMP settings” on page 3-123, “Bonjour Setting”on page 3-129, “TCP Socket Setting” on page 3-131, “OpenAPI settings” onpage 3-133, and “External server authentication” on page 3-138.)Register destinations in the screen that appears after pressing the [Utility/Counter] key.* Specify e-mail addresses for e-mail transmissions, register FTP servers, andspecify destination computers. (Refer to “Registering abbreviated destinations” onpage 3-10, “Registering group destinations” on page 3-21, “Registering program desti-nations” on page 3-23, and “Specifying e-mail settings” on page 3-26.)Load the document.Specify the destination.Specify the scan settings (refer to page 2-43).Press the [Start] key in the control panel.