2 Scanning documents2-2 cm3521Scanning documents Chapter 22 Scanning documents2.1 Control panelNo. Part name Description1 [Power Save] key Press to enter Power Save mode. While themachine is in Power Save mode, the indicator onthe [Power Save] key lights up in green and thetouch panel goes off. To cancel Power Save mode,press the [Power Save] key again.2 Touch panel Displays various screens and messages.Specify the various settings by directly touching thepanel.3 [Access] key If user authentication or account track settingshave been applied, press this key after entering theuser name and password (for user authentication)or the account name and password (for accounttrack) in order to use this machine.This key is also used to log off.4 [Box] key Press to enter Box mode.While the machine is in Box mode, the indicator onthe [Box] key lights up in green. For details, refer tothe User’s Guide [Box Operations].5 [Fax] key Press to enter Fax mode.While the machine is in Fax mode, the indicator onthe [Fax] key lights up in green.For details, refer to the User’s Guide [FacsimileOperations].6 [Scan] key Press to enter Scan mode. While the machine is inScan mode, the indicator on the [Scan] key lightsup in green.Power Save BoxAccess ABC DEFJKLGHI MNOTUVPQRS WXYZMode MemoryMode ChecMode CheckUtility/CounterFax Scan Copy ResetInterruptPowerStopProof CopyStartData Main PowerHelpAccessibilityEnlarge DisplayContrast1 2 6 7810113 549121321 20 19 18 17 16 15 14242322