Scanning documents 2cm3521 2-5Scanning documents Chapter 22.2 Displaying the scan screenDisplay the Scan mode screen in order to perform scanning operations.Turn the machine on. When the machine is ready to make copies, the Basicscreen appears.Press the [Scan] key in the control panel to display the Scan mode screen.The displayed functions and modes can be selected by gently touching thebuttons that are displayed in the screen.12 4 5 6 7 8 109311No Name Description1 Sub display area This area displays destinations, etc.2 [Job List] button Displays jobs being performed and jobs being stored.Various commands for checking and managing jobs areavailable.3 Date/Time display area Displays the current date/time.4 Message display area Displays the machine status and details on operationsthat must be performed.5 [Program] button Displays destinations that are registered in programs.6 [Group] button Displays destinations that are registered in groups.7 [Address Book] button Used to Search for destinations that are registered in theaddress book.8 [Direct Input] button Used to type in the destination when performing Scan toE-mail, Scan to FTP, or Scan to SMB operations or to se-lect the box where the job is to be stored.This button does not appear if the [Manual Destination In-put] on the Security Details screen (displayed by touching[Security Setting] on the Administrator Setting screen) isset to “Restrict”.9 Available memory display Shows the amount of available memory that is usedduring the scanning operation.10 Address number displayareaShows the number of specified addresses.11 [Scan Settings] button Used to specify scan settings.