Solving Other Problems8-22Printerresets orturns off fre-quently.The power cord is notcorrectly plugged intothe outlet.Turn off the printer, confirm that thepower cord is correctly plugged into theoutlet, and then turn on the printer.A system erroroccurred.Contact Technical Support with theerror information.You areexperienc-ing duplexproblems.Media or settings arenot correct.For autoduplexing, make sure that youhave a duplex option installed.Make sure that you are using correctmedia. Only Letter/A4 plain paper can beautoduplexed. Do not duplex envelopes, labels,postcards, thick stock, letterheads,or plain paper with a size other thanLetter/A4. Make sure that you have not mixedmedia types in Tray 1.Make sure the duplex option is installedand declared in the Windows printerdriver (Properties/Configure tab).In the printer driver (Layout tab),choose “Double-sided”.You hearunusualnoises.The printer is notlevel.Place the printer on a flat, hard, levelsurface.The tray is notinstalled correctly.Remove the tray that you are printingfrom and reinsert it completely into theprinter.There is a foreignobject stuck insidethe printer.Turn off the printer and remove theobject. If you cannot remove it, contactTechnical Support.Symptom Cause Solution