Media Types 5-5EnvelopesPrint on the front (address) side only. Some parts of the envelope consist ofthree layers of paper—the front, back, and flap. Anything printed in these lay-ered regions may be lost or faded.Use envelopes that are Common office envelopes approved for laser printing with diagonal joints,sharp folds and edges, and ordinary gummed flaps" Because the envelopes pass through heated rollers, the gummedarea on the flaps may seal. Using envelopes with emulsion-basedglue avoids this problem. Approved for laser printing DryDO NOT use envelopes that have Sticky flaps Tape seals, metal clasps, paper clips, fasteners, or peel-off strips for seal-ing Transparent windows Too rough of a surface Material that will melt, vaporize, offset, discolor, or emit dangerous fumes Been presealedCapacity Tray 1 Up to 10 envelopes, depending on theirthicknessTray 2 Not supportedOrientation Face upDriverMedia TypeEnvelopeDuplexing Not supported