6 EN• This manual is a basic version.Please refer to the completeadvanced manual either from thestored data in the [OL_MANUAL]folder of the recorder or downloadthe data from the OLYMPUSwebsite.• The contents of this documentmay be changed in the futurewithout advanced notice. Contactour Customer Support Center forthe latest information relatingto product names and modelnumbers.• The utmost care has been takento ensure the integrity of thecontents of this document. In theunlikely event that a questionableitem, error, or omission is found,please contact our CustomerSupport Center.• Any liability for passive damages ordamage of any kind occurred dueto data loss incurred by a defect ofthe product, repair performed bythe third party other than Olympusor an Olympus authorized servicestation, or any other reason isexcluded.Trademarks and registered trademarks:• IBM and PC/AT are the trademarksor registered trademarks ofInternational Business MachinesCorporation.• Microsoft, Windows and WindowsMedia are registered trademarks ofMicrosoft Corporation.• Macintosh and iTunes are thetrademarks of Apple Inc.• MPEG Layer-3 audio codingtechnology licensed fromFraunhofer IIS and Thomson.• WOW XT, SRS and } symbol aretrademarks of SRS Labs, Inc.• WOW XT technology isincorporated under license fromSRS Labs, Inc• The product was developed basedon noise-canceling technologyunder license from NECCorporation.Other product and brand namesmentioned herein may be thetrademarks or registered trademarksof their respective owners.Warning regarding data loss:Recorded content in memory maybe destroyed or erased by operatingmistakes, unit malfunction, or duringrepair work.It is recommended to back up andsave important content to othermedia such as a computer hard disk.Any liability for passive damages ordamage of any kind occurred due todata loss incurred by a defect of theproduct, repair performed by thethird party other than Olympus or anOlympus authorized service station,or any other reasons is excluded fromthe Olympus’s liability.Batteriesf Danger:• Batteries should never be exposedto flame, heated, short-circuited ordisassembled.• Never store batteries where theywill be exposed to direct sunlight,or subjected to high temperaturesin a hot vehicle, near a heat source,etc.f Warning:• Do not solder lead wires orterminals directly onto a battery ormodify it.• Do not connect the = and -terminals together. This may causefire, overheating or electric shock.• When carrying or storing thebatteries, be sure to put it inthe provided case to protect itsterminals. Do not carry or store thebatteries with any metal objects(such as key rings).If this warning is not followed, fire,overheating or electric shock mayoccur.• Do not connect the batteriesdirectly to a power outlet or acigarette lighter of an automobile.• Do not insert the batteries withtheir = and - terminals reversed.• If any liquid from a battery getsinto your eyes, promptly wash it offwith clean water and consult yourdoctor at once.• Do not attempt to rechargealkaline, lithium or any other non-rechargeable batteries.• Never use any batteries with a tornor cracked outer cover.• Keep batteries out of the reach ofchildren.IntroductionENSafe and Proper UsageBefore using your new recorder, readthis manual carefully to ensure thatyou know how to operate it safelyand correctly. Keep this manual in aneasily accessible location for futurereference.• The warning symbols indicateimportant safety relatedinformation. To protect yourselfand others from personal injury ordamage to property, it is essentialthat you always read the warningsand information provided.General precautions• Do not leave the recorder in hot,humid locations such as inside aclosed automobile under directsunlight or on the beach in thesummer.• Do not store the recorder in placesexposed to excessive moisture ordust.• Do not use organic solvents suchas alcohol and lacquer thinner toclean the unit.• Do not place the recorder on top ofor near electric appliances such asTVs or refrigerators.• Avoid recording or playing backnear cellular phones or otherwireless equipment, as they maycause interference and noise. If youexperience noise, move to anotherplace, or move the recorder furtheraway from such equipment.• Avoid sand or dirt. These can causeirreparable damage.• Avoid strong vibrations or shocks.• Do not disassemble, repair ormodify the unit yourself.• Do not operate the unit whileoperating a vehicle (such as abicycle, motorcycle, or go-cart).• Keep the unit out of the reach ofchildren.