Shooting31TAPECassette tapesYou can use tapes with this mark .Use the following mini DV cassette tapes with thiscamera-recorder.AY-DVM63 series tape(60 minutes in SP mode)Do not use 80-minute mini DV cassette tapes.Picture quality does not worsen if you shoot in LPmode, but you may notice some block noise andthere may be other limitations.Block noise and feature limitations occur in thefollowing situations.• When you play a tape on other digital videoequipment that you have shot in LP mode onthis camera.• When you play a tape in this camera that youhave shot in LP mode on other digital videoequipment.• When you have shot in LP mode and try to playit on other digital video equipment that doesn’thave an LP mode.• During slow motion or still-picture playback• When using the camera’s search functionsAudio dubbing cannot be performed in the LPmode as the tracks on the tape are narrower thanthe heads.Preventing accidental erasureTo prevent erasing the recordings on a tape byaccident, set the tab on the cassette to SAVE.RECSAVETape loading and unloading• Tapes cannot be loaded or unloaded when theMEDIA switch is set to P2.• Do not try to insert or eject the tape by justholding the cassette cover.• Insert and remove cassette tapes after puttingthe camera-recorder down on a stable, flatsurface or hold it to keep it stable.• Do not force the cassette holder while it ismoving. Trying to do so could damage thecamera.• Close the cassette cover only after the cassetteholder is completely in position. Trying to closethe cover while the cassette holder is movingcould damage the camera.• Close the cassette holder again if you are notgoing to insert another tape.• Do not open the cassette cover while you arerecording. Recording continues, and the opencover allows outside light and dust to adverselyaffect the tape.