Shooting39Iris adjustments1 If the camera is in auto mode, use the AUTO/MANUAL switch to switch to manual mode.(Page 38)2 Press the IRIS button to switch how toadjust the aperture of lens.AUTO IRIS: Adjust the iris automatically.MANUAL IRIS: Adjust the iris manually.3 Turn the IRIS dial to adjust the aperture oflens when in the manual iris mode.In the auto iris mode, the lens iris can becorrected using this dial.Set the direction of the IRIS DIAL and aperturecontrol in the setup menus, SW MODE screen,IRIS DIAL. (Page 104)If you have set ON under A.IRIS on the settingmenu AUTO SW screen, auto iris will be forciblyselected when auto mode has been established.(Page 106)This unit’s iris F number when it is open is F1.6 atfull WIDE and F2.8 at full TELEPHOTO.The iris display in the viewfinder or on the LCDwhen the iris is open is OPEN at full WIDE andF2.8 or OPEN at full TELEPHOTO.IRIS dialND FILTER switchIRIS buttonGAIN switchAdjusting the gainWhen the display is dark, increase the gain tobrighten the display.1 If the camera is in auto mode, use theAUTO/MANUAL switch to switch to manualmode ( goes out). (Page 38)2 Switch the gain with the GAIN switch.L: Set here under normal conditions. (0 dB)M: Increase the gain of the image amplifier.(The default value is 6 dB.)H: Increase the gain of the image amplifier.(The default value is 12 dB.)You can change the M and H gain values using theMID GAIN and HIGH GAIN items on the settingmenu SW MODE screen. (Page 104)If ON is set for the setting menu AUTO SW andyou have selected a setting other than OFF underAGC, auto gain will be provided when auto modehas been established regardless of the GAINswitch position. (Page 106)When the recording frame rate is less than 22 fpsand when a slow shutter speed (1/15) has beenset, the gain is fixed at 0 dB regardless of the GAINswitch setting. (Pages 34 and 51)Light intensity adjustmentsUse the ND FILTER Switch to change the ND Filterused (filter to change light intensity).OFF: ND filter is not used.1/8: Cuts light intensity by up to about 1/8.1/64: Cuts light intensity by up to about 1/64.