48Chapter 4 Adjustments and Settings for Recording (continued)Information Item Indication StatusSysteminformation andwarningsSYSTEM ERROR-__TURN POWER OFFREC WARNINGBACKUP BATT EMPTYWIRELESS-RFEOMBOSEOSCANNOT RECCANNOT PLAYCOMM ERRORVOICE CANNOT RECVOICE RECVOICE OFFVOICE PLAYMARK ON/OFFUPDATINGUSB DRIVETHUMBNAIL OPEN1394 INITIAL ERRORPROXY REC P2&SDPROXY REC P2NEAR END (SD)EOM (SD)PROXY CARD ERRORSD CARD WRITE ERRSomething abnormal is happening to the internal computer communicationsor reference signal. No further recording or playback can be performed. __isreplaced with an error code. For more information, see [7-3-2 Error Codes].P2 card has been removed while being accessed (recorded, played back, orformatted), and subsequent operation is disabled.Something abnormal is happening to video and/or audio being recorded.Backup battery needs replacing.RF signal from the wireless receiver is degraded.P2 card has no free space.Playback position is at the start of all the clips.Playback position is at the end of all the clips.The P2 card is not recordable. Detailed information is provided on theFUNCTION screen of MODE CHECK. See the relevant section of theMODE CHECK indication area.Clip cannot be played back perhaps because no P2 card is loaded, or the P2card contains no clips.Displayed when disconnection between microcomputers continues for aspecified period or longer.Voice memos cannot be recorded, possibly perhaps because the P2 card hasno free space, or 100 voice memos are already recorded on one clip.Voice memo being recorded.Recording of voice memo stopped.Voice memo being played back.Shot mark been added or deleted. For information on shot marks, see [3-9Shot Mark Function].Clip information is being updated. Playback operation disabled.AJ-SPC700E is in USB mode. When communication is disabled, theindication blinks.Thumbnail is being manipulated.Displayed when the connection of the DVCPRO/DV connector is abnormal(when AJ-YAD800G is attached).Displayed when proxy recording on either the P2 card or the SD memory cardstarts (when AJ-YAX800G is attached).Displayed when proxy recording on the P2 card starts (when AJ-YAX800G isattached).When the remaining free space on the SD Memory card drops below oneminute during proxy recording, the message is displayed (when AJ-YAX800Gis attached).Displayed when full capacity is reached during proxy recording on the SDmemory card (when AJ-YAX800G is attached).Displayed when proxy recording stops because of failure on either the videoencoder card or the stream (when AJ-YAX800G is attached).Displayed when a failure occurs on the SD memory card during proxyrecording, and only recording on the SD memory card stops (when AJ-YAX800G is attached).Voice memoindicationVoice memo being recorded. When the free space for voice memos is lessthan one minute, the indication blinks.Audio inputchannel and levelmeter- - - - - - - - +FWRSelected channel together with its audio level.AUDIO IN switch is positioned at FRONT.AUDIO IN switch is positioned at WIRELESS.AUDIO IN switch is positioned at REAR.Time codeindicationTCG 12:59:59:20TCR 12:59:59:20(V)UBG AB CD EF 00(V)UBR 12 34 56 78CTL –1:59:59:20TCG (time code generator value)TCR (time code reader value)UBG VUBGUBR VUBR.Displays CTL count.DV formatindicationDV DV format specified and playback being performed in the DV format.Iris overrideindication+ ++(No indication)–– –Correction phase of the iris override (when active)+ + : On the open side by 1 +: On the open side by 0.5– – : On the closed side by 1 –: On the closed side by 0.5No indication : Standard statusIris, F value NCOPENF1.7 - F16CLOSELens cable is not connected.Lens iris is at maximum.Lens iris valueLens iris closed.These indications are provided when the lens is capable of indicating the irisvalue. When the iris is being overridden, they blink.Zoom indication Z00 - Z99 Zoom degree is indicated. This indication is not provided for a lens that doesnot return the zoom position, even if the indication is set to ON.Vᤨࠫ