98Chapter 8 Menu Description Tables (continued)8-2 SYSTEM SETTING8-2-1 SYSTEM MODE 8-2-2 OPTION MODEMenu options for setting 1394 are displayed when anIEEE1394 interface board (AJ-YAD800G, optional) isattached. For more information, see the AJ-YAD800Ginstruction manual. Note that the AJ-SPC700E incorporatesthe following additional items:The ____ in the Adjustable Range column indicates thepreset mode.Items/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksREC SIGNAL CAMVIDEO1394Select video input signals.CAM Record the signal from thecameraVIDEO: Record the signal from theGENLOCK IN terminal1394: Record the signal from the 1394input terminal (when optionalAJ-YAD800G is attached.)z After the power has been turnedOFF, this setting defaults to CAMwhen the power is turned ON again.z With VIDEO selected, to synchronisethis camera-recorder to the videosignal (VBS) that is input to theGENLOCK IN terminal, theGENLOCK item in [8-2-6 GENLOCK]must be set to EXT.– C U F EASPECT 16:94:3Select the aspect ratio for recording.16:9: Record in <16:9> aspect ratio.4:3: Record in <4:3> aspect ratio.– C U F EREC MODE 50M25MDVSelect the recording mode.50M: Record in DVCPRO50 format.25M: Record in DVCPRO format.DV: Record in DV format.– C U F EREC TALLY REDGREENCHARSelects display of the recording statusof the camera when the AJ-SPC700E iscontrolling an external VTR, by settingthe menu option 1394 CONTROL to“BOTH”.The menu option 1394 CONTROL isfound in the OPTION MODE screen onthe SYSTEM SETTING page.RED: The red tally lamp lights up.GREEN:The green tally lamp lights up.CHAR : The VF displays [REC] incharacters.1394 control menu options are onlydisplayed when an IEEE1394 interfaceboard (AJ-YAD800G, optionalaccessory) is attached. For moreinformation, see the AJ-YAD800Ginstruction manual.– C U F EACCESS LED ONOFFSelect whether or not to enableillumination of the P2 card accessLEDs.ON: Enable the P2 card access LEDsto light up for card statusindications.OFF: LEDs remain off.– C U F EUSB ONOFFSelect the USB drive mode when usingthe P2 card as bulk storage byconnecting the AJ-SPC700E with a PCvia USB2.0.ON: Switches to the USB drive mode.Recording, playback or thumbnailoperation via the AJ-SPC700E isnot permitted.OFF: Stops the USB drive mode, andreturns to normal operation.After the power is turned off, this settingdefaults to “OFF” when the power isnext turned on.– – U F –Items/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksSAVE SW (AUDOUT)ONOFFSelect whether or not to forcibly disablethe audio output when the SAVE ON/OFF switch is set to [ON].ON: Disable audio output.OFF: Enable audio output.– C U F –SAVE SW (LCD) ONOFFSelect whether or not to automaticallyturn off the LCD monitor when theSAVE ON/OFF switch is set to [ON].ON: Turn off LCD monitor.OFF: Do not turn off LCD monitor.– C U F –Items/Data SavedAdjustable Range Remarks1394CONTROLOFFBOTHSelect the control method for recordingwhen an external device for backuprecording is connected via the DVCPRO/DV connector:OFF: The external device is notcontrolled.BOTH:Recording is performed by boththe AJ-SPC700E and the externaldevice.– C U F –1394 CMD SEL REC_PSTOPDetermine the recording operation of theexternal backup device when the RECSTART/STOP button is pressed:REC_P : Record/PauseSTOP: Record/Stop– C U F –ᤨࠫ