24 (G)DEUTSCHConnections2 On the [SYSTEM] menu, select [AUTO SETIP], and display [AUTO SETUP]. Then selectRENEW, and press the F2 dial.1.AUTO SETUPRENEWBoth the number of devices (all remote cameras and theswitcher) currently being managed by the unit and thenumber of new devices detected are displayed on theLCD panel.C:3/3 S:1/1YESC:3/3Number of devices currently managed by theunit + Number of new devices detectedNumber of new devices detectedC: Remote camera, S: Switcher Memo If the number of new devices detected exceedsthe number of devices that can be registered(100 remote cameras and 1 switcher), [C/S OVER!]will be displayed at the bottom of the LCD panel.Automatic IP address setting can be performed evenin this state, but IP addresses will be set only for thenumber of devices that can be registered.C:20/100 S:1/1C/S OVER! YES The number displayed for “Number of new devicesdetected” may be lower than the actual number ofdevices to be set, due to a cause such as the remotecameras or switches not being powered on. In thiscase, eliminate the cause of the problem, select“RETRY”, and then press the F2 dial to retry theoperation.The number of units to be added can be updated.C:20/20 S:1/1RETRY3 Turn the F2 dial, select “Yes,” and then pressthe F2 dial.This starts the “Auto IP setting” process.When “Auto IP setting” has been initiated, the progressis shown by the number of displayed dots which arereduced one by one.SET UP IPtttttWhen all the operations have been completedsuccessfully, “COMPLETE!” is displayed.SET UP IPCOMPLETE!The remote cameras and the switcher are automaticallyrebooted, and they restart with the new IP addresseswhich were set.The remote cameras can now be operated from the unit.The function for linking the switcher with the unitbecomes available for use at this point. Memo If the IP addresses were not set successfully,“SET UP ERR!” is displayed.SET UP IPSET UP ERR!The cause of the problem is likely a networkmalfunction.Check the connection status of the hub and LAN cables,and then retry the “Auto IP setting” operation.