27OperationThe subcarrier phase adjustment must be performed, whencomposite signals have been set as the video input signalsand the pictures are to be switched by a video switcher orother equipments.This adjustment is not necessary when component signalshave been set as the video input signals.1. Select the pan-tilt head system using theCONTROL/PREVIEW MONITOR OUT SEL button.2. Connect the video switcher or other equipments to theVIDEO/Y OUT connector on the main unit thatcorresponds to the currently selected pan-tilt headsystem, and connect a color monitor to the video outputconnector on the video switcher or other equipments.3. Press the MODE button to establish the BAR mode andswitch the output signals from the convertible camera tocolor bar signals.4. Press the MENU button, turn the menu setting control(main), and set it so that the G/L SETTING item appearsat the top of the LCD panel.5. Press the OK button.The following item appears on the LCD panel.6. Turn the menu setting control (main), and set it so thatthe following item appears on the LCD panel.7. Output both the color bar signals (signals from inside theswitcher or other equipments) serving as the referenceand the color bar signals from the camera to the colormonitor.8. Align the phase of the color bar signals from the camerawith the phase of the color bar signals serving as thereference.Use the menu setting control (L) to adjust the phase in90-degree increments and then the menu setting control(R) to make fine adjustments.SSCC PPHHAASSEECCOOAARRSSEE::11 FFIINNEE:: ±±00CCAABBLLEE LLEENNGGTTHHSSHHOORRTTGG//LL SSEETTTTIINNGGn OOKK KKeeyySubcarrier phase adjustmentWhiteYellowCyanGreenMagentaRedBlueBlack Color bar signals from thecameraPartition lineColor bar signals from theswitcher or otherequipments9. Select the next pan-tilt head system using theCONTROL/PREVIEW MONITOR OUT SEL button, andcontinue adjusting the subcarrier phase in each systemconcerned.CONTROL/PREVIEW MONITOR OUT SELAUX1 2 3 4 5TALLYTRACING MEMORYLAMPMENULIMITOFFLIMITONFULLEMPTYOKLCDCONTRASTCAMERACONTROLSTARTPOINTR/BGAIN/PEDWHITEBAL AWCGAINMODECLOSE WIDE NEARDATA SETTR/PSET M.LOCKMEMORYIRISIRISIRISOPEN ZOOMTELE FOCUSFARCALLINCOMLEVELFOCUSOPENFARTELEOFFONOPERATEWIDEZOOM/FOCUS/IRISABCATWAB NGOKSTART/STOP RESTORE RESETDEF WIP H/F EXT ND OPTIONPAN/TILT SETCAMERA CONTROLTRACING/PRESET MEMORYIRISSPEEDPRIORITYFOCUSBARCAMTRPSETLOWHIGHAUTOMANUAUTOMANULOCK1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 13031 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4041 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50DOWNPAN/TILT/FOCUS/IRISUPL RCLOSENEAR OPENFARCLOSENEAR4883 4•6 5 1