7I LAMP buttonThis controls the ON and OFF of the halogen lamp whichis connected to the pan-tilt head system currentlyselected.Each time it is pressed, the lamp is turned ON or OFF inturn.When the halogen lamp is ON, the button’s lamp comeson; when it is OFF, the lamp goes off.It flashes when the halogen lamp has not beenconnected or when the lamp has been disconnected orsome other problem has occurred.J DEF buttonThis sets the defroster function ON or OFF when a pan-tilt head (AW-PH600) equipped with a defroster functionis used in the pan-tilt head system currently selected.Each time it is pressed, the function is turned ON or OFFin turn.When the defroster is ON, the button’s lamp comes on;when it is OFF, the lamp goes off.K WIP buttonThis sets the wiper function ON or OFF when a pan-tilthead (AW-PH600) equipped with a wiper function is usedin the pan-tilt head system currently selected.Each time it is pressed, the function is turned ON or OFFin turn.When the wiper is ON, the button’s lamp comes on;alternatively, when it is OFF, it goes off.L H/F buttonThis sets the heater/fan function ON or OFF when a pan-tilt head (AW-PH600) equipped with a heater/fan functionis used in the pan-tilt head system currently selected.Each time it is pressed, the function is turned ON or OFFin turn.When the heater/fan is ON, the button’s lamp comes on;when it is OFF, the heater/fan goes off.M EXT buttonThis sets the extender function ON or OFF when a lensequipped with an extender function is used in the pan-tilthead system currently selected.Each time it is pressed, the function is turned ON or OFFin turn.When the extender is ON, the button’s lamp comes on;when it is OFF, the lamp goes off.N ND buttonThis sets the ND filter function ON or OFF when a lensequipped with an ND filter function is used in the pan-tilthead system currently selected.Each time it is pressed, the function is turned ON or OFFin turn.When the ND filter is ON, the button’s lamp comes on;when it is OFF, the lamp goes off.O OPTION buttonThis controls the short- or open-circuiting of the OPTIONSW CONTROL OUT connector of the AC adapter (AW-PS300) which is connected to the pan-tilt head systemcurrently selected.Each time it is pressed, short-circuiting or open-circuitingis selected in turn.When the connector is short-circuited, the button’s lampcomes on; when it is open-circuited, the lamp goes off.Parts and their functions$ Control panelCONTROL/PREVIEW MONITOR OUT SELAUX1 2 3 4 5TALLYTRACING MEMORYLAMPMENULIMITOFFLIMITONFULLEMPTYOKLCDCONTRASTCAMERACONTROLSTARTPOINTR/BGAIN/PEDWHITEBAL AWCGAINMODECLOSE WIDE NEARDATA SETTR/PSET M.LOCKMEMORYIRISIRISIRISOPEN ZOOMTELE FOCUSFARCALLINCOMLEVELFOCUSOPENFARTELEOFFONOPERATEWIDEZOOM/FOCUS/IRISABCATWAB NGOKSTART/STOP RESTORE RESETDEF WIP H/F EXT ND OPTIONPAN/TILT SETCAMERA CONTROLTRACING/PRESET MEMORYIRISSPEEDPRIORITYFOCUSBARCAMTRPSETLOWHIGHAUTOMANUAUTOMANULOCK1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 13031 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4041 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50DOWNPAN/TILT/FOCUS/IRISUPL RCLOSENEAR OPENFARCLOSENEARI J K L M N O