6? ABC buttonThis is used to automatically adjust camera’s blackbalance in the pan-tilt head system currently selected.Set the IRIS [AUTO/MANU/LOCK] button to AUTO (theIRIS button is now lighted), and press the ABC button.While the black balance is being adjusted, the ABCbutton’s lamp flashes; when it has been adjustedproperly, it goes off. It comes on when it was not possibleto perform the adjustment.If a pan-tilt head other than the AW-PH350 is being used,the ABC button’s lamp also goes off if the black balancewas not adjusted properly.@ LCD panelThis displays the statuses of the current settings.A CAMERA CONTROL lampThis comes on when communication with the camera inthe currently selected pan-tilt head system has beenestablished properly. It goes off when there is a problemwith the communication.If a pan-tilt head other than the AW-PH350 is being used,the lamp will remain off even if communication has beenestablished properly.B Menu setting control (L)This is used to change the item or the value of the itemdisplayed on the left at the bottom of the LCD panel in thesetting menu mode.C Menu setting control (R)This is used to change the item or the value of the itemdisplayed on the right at the bottom of the LCD panel inthe setting menu mode.D Menu setting control (main)This is used to select the item or change the value of theitem displayed at the top of the LCD panel in the settingmenu mode.E R/B GAIN/PED buttonPress this button to adjust the camera’s R/B gain or R/Bpedestal in the pan-tilt head system currently selected.Each time it is pressed, the adjustment mode is set to ONor OFF in turn.When the adjustment mode is set to ON, the button’slamp comes on; when it is OFF, the lamp goes off.F MENU buttonThis is used to select ON or OFF for the setting menumode of the pan-tilt head system currently selected.Each time it is pressed, the menu mode is set to ON orOFF in turn.When the setting menu mode is set to ON, the button’slamp comes on, and the setting menu appears on theLCD panel. In this status, the MENU button is used toselect the setting menu items as well.When the setting menu mode is set to OFF, the button’slamp goes off, and the LCD panel returns to its originaldisplay.G LCD CONTRAST controlThis is used to adjust the contrast of the LCD panel.H OK buttonThis is pressed to select setting menu items or to enterthe values of items.Parts and their functions$ Control panelCONTROL/PREVIEW MONITOR OUT SELAUX1 2 3 4 5TALLYTRACING MEMORYLAMPMENULIMITOFFLIMITONFULLEMPTYOKLCDCONTRASTCAMERACONTROLSTARTPOINTR/BGAIN/PEDWHITEBAL AWCGAINMODECLOSE WIDE NEARDATA SETTR/PSET M.LOCKMEMORYIRISIRISIRISOPEN ZOOMTELE FOCUSFARCALLINCOMLEVELFOCUSOPENFARTELEOFFONOPERATEWIDEZOOM/FOCUS/IRISABCATWAB NGOKSTART/STOP RESTORE RESETDEF WIP H/F EXT ND OPTIONPAN/TILT SETCAMERA CONTROLTRACING/PRESET MEMORYIRISSPEEDPRIORITYFOCUSBARCAMTRPSETLOWHIGHAUTOMANUAUTOMANULOCK1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 13031 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4041 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50DOWNPAN/TILT/FOCUS/IRISUPL RCLOSENEAR OPENFARCLOSENEAR? @ DF HGEA CBIt is possible to switch the speed at which the setting valueof some of the items in the setting menu changes eachtime jog dial B, C or D is pressed.(See pages 36 and 37)Note that this function may not work with the AW-RP615Control Panel (optional accessory).