3-34 DBS 576 (USA) issued September 2001 576-50-700Chapter 3. System Features Section 700 - OperationHunting GroupsDescriptionHunting allows calls to be automatically transferred among a preselected group of phones. If a phoneis busy or there is no answer in a set amount of time, the call will hunt to the next phone in the huntgroup.A phone assigned to a hunt group is called a member. Up to 20 members can be assigned to a huntgroup. Up to 12 hunt groups are available per cabinet.Several methods of station hunting are available. Some methods require use of a pilot number (afictitious extension number) while others start by a direct call to a hunt group member.The System supports the following hunting groups:• Pilot Terminal Hunt Group• Pilot Distributed Hunt Group• Switch Back Hunt Group• Circular Hunt Group• Next Extension/Hunt GroupPilot Terminal Hunt GroupPilot Terminal Hunt Group directs calls to a pilot number. The System begins with the first memberand hunts through the group for the first available member to receive the call. If no member isavailable (extension is busy or there is no answer for a specified amount of time), the call is queuedfor the first member to become available. You can also set the Queuing Timer to specify how long theSystem will search the initial hunt group before beginning to search the next hunt group or extension.The main advantage of this type of hunting is that the same hunting order is taken for all calls. This isuseful in presenting calls to selected members first.Pilot Distributed Hunt GroupPilot Distributed Hunt Group directs calls to a pilot number. The System reviews who received thelast call and begins hunting with the next member. If the last member in the group is reached and nomember is available, the hunt continues with the first member and proceeds forward. After a completesearch and no available member is found (extension is busy or there is no answer for a specifiedamount of time), the call is queued for the first member to become available. You can also set theQueuing Timer and specify how the long the System will search the initial hunt group beforebeginning to search the next hunt group or extension.The main advantage of this type of hunting is that calls are evenly distributed throughout the group.Switch Back Hunt GroupSwitch Back Hunt Group initiates hunting in a specified group for calls made to a member extensionin the group. If the called member of the hunt group is busy, the System begins hunting forward to theend of the group. If no member is available, the system hunts backward from the called member. If nomember is available (extension is busy or there is no answer for a specified amount of time), the callis queued for the first member to become available. You can also set the Queuing Timer and specifyhow the long the System will search the initial hunt group before beginning to search the next huntgroup or extension.The main advantage of this type of hunting is that calls can be directed to start with a selected portionof the hunting group based on the directed number. However, all members are eventually searched.