3-36 DBS 576 (USA) issued September 2001 576-50-700Chapter 3. System Features Section 700 - Operationactivated and the call is re-routed to the top of the group. The system continues to hunt for anavailable agent until the timer limit expires, and the call is diverted to another location.Internal Hold ToneDescriptionIf a Music-on-Hold (MOH) sound source is unavailable, a periodic hold tone generated internally inthe System can be provided to a caller. For more information, see “Music-on-Hold” on page 3-39.Hardware Requirements• N/ARelated Programming• FF1: MOH AssignmentConsiderations• N/ALAN TAPIDescriptionLAN TAPI opens a line of communications between the DBS 576’s switchingsystems and a PC. This is accomplished through the use of a Telephony Serverconnected to a LAN. Users on PCs can use specific applications to send and receiveinformation to and from the DBS 576 via the LAN. Using a software program calledthe Telephony Service Provider (TSP), call control information (TAPI commands) istranslated into commands that can be interpreted by the DBS 576. This “open”communication between the PC and the telephone system allows the user to initiateand handle calls via the application running on the PC.Figure 3-1 on page 37 illustrates the major LAN TAPI components and systemconnections.