![Panasonic KX-NS1000 User Manual Manual pdf 277 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5425391/ff2076ae34a7e294cdf60a97cdcb0708277f.jpg) Caller ID Call RoutingDescriptionAllows the System Administrator to store a maximum of 200 telephone numbers and assign a specificdestination (extension, mailbox, Mailbox Group, or Custom Service) to each telephone number for each timemode (day, night, lunch, and break). When Caller ID information is received that matches one of the storedtelephone numbers, the call is automatically directed to its destination. Calls that are "Private" (when thecaller’s number is not received), "Out of Area" (when the caller is calling from an area that does not supportCaller ID), and "Long Distance" (when the caller made a long distance call) can also be directed to a specificextension, mailbox or Custom Service.Conditions• The Company Greetings will not be played for callers when calls are routed by this feature.PC Programming Manual References23.1 UM Configuration—[4-1] Service Settings—Caller ID / PIN Call Routing3.2.1.9 Caller ID ScreeningDescriptionAllows the Unified Messaging system to announce the name of the caller when transferring a call to anextension from a preprogrammed caller (e.g., "You have a call from [name of caller]."). Caller names must berecorded beforehand. Caller names can be recorded by each subscriber (Caller NameAnnouncement—Personal) and for the entire system (Caller Name Announcement—System).PC Programming Manual References21.1 UM Configuration—[2] Class of Service—Call Transfer— Caller ID ScreenFeature Guide References3.2.1.10 Caller Name AnnouncementUser Manual ReferencesManager Operation2.2.1 System Manager Features— Setting Class of Service (COS) Parameters3.2.1.10 Caller Name AnnouncementDescriptionAllows you to store telephone numbers and record a caller name for each telephone number. The caller nameis announced when playing a message in their mailbox from one of the preprogrammed callers, when thesystem directs a call to the subscriber from one of the preprogrammed callers (Caller ID Screening), and whenthe system pages the subscriber by intercom (Intercom Paging).Feature Guide 2773.2.1 System Features