Useful InformationFor assistance, please call 1-800-211-PANA (7262). 69openLCR service for theCaller IQ featureThis unit is compatible with serviceprovided by openLCR.Important:See the leaflet included with this unit formore information.L If you have any questions regardingthe openLCR service, or call openLCRat 1-866-openLCR (1-866-673-6527).L NEITHER PANASONICCOMMUNICATIONS CO., LTD. NORPANASONIC CORPORATION OFNORTH AMERICA IS IN ANY WAYAFFILIATED WITH, ORRESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTS OROMISSIONS OF, OPENLCR.COM, INC.NEITHER PANASONICCOMMUNICATIONS CO., LTD. NORPANASONIC CORPORATION OFNORTH AMERICA NOR ANY OFTHEIR EMPLOYEES OR AFFILIATESOR CUSTOMERS MAKE ANYWARRANTIES ORREPRESENTATIONS, EITHEREXPRESS OR IMPLIED, TO ANYCUSTOMER OR ANY OTHER THIRDPARTY WITH RESPECT TO ANY OFTHE SERVICES PROVIDED BYOPENLCR.COM, INC., NOR ASSUMENOR CREATE ANY OTHEROBLIGATION OF ANY KIND ONBEHALF OF OPENLCR.COM, INC.L The Caller IQ service can only beactivated after registering with openLCRat Moreinformation regarding the openLCRservice is available on the Internet RF Exposure Warning:This product complies with FCC radiationexposure limits set forth for anuncontrolled environment. To complywith FCC RF exposure requirements thebase unit must be installed and operatedwith its antenna located 20 cm or morebetween antenna and all person’s body(excluding extremities of hands, wristand feet). The handset unit may becarried and operated with only thespecific provided belt-clip. Other non-tested belt-clips or similar body-wornaccessories may not comply and mustbe avoided. The base and handset unitsmust not be co-located or operated inconjunction with any other antenna ortransmitter.