Phonebook18Handset phonebookThe phonebook allows you to make callswithout having to dial manually. You can add500 names and phone numbers, and assigneach phonebook entry to the desiredcategory.The total number of entries that can be storedvaries by the number of phone numbersstored for each entry, as shown below:1 name + 1 phone number: 500 entries1 name + 2 phone numbers: 250 entries1 name + 3 phone numbers: 166 entriesAdding entries1 n (left soft key) s m2 {r}: “(Név)” s M3 Enter the party’s name (16 charactersmax.). s ML You can change the character entrymode by pressing / (45. oldal).4 {r}: “(Telefonszám 1)” s ML You can store up to 3 phone numbersfor each entry.5 Enter the party’s phone number (24digits max.). s M6 {r}: “Kategória 1” s M7 {r}: Select the desired category. s M8 {r}: “” s ML To add other entries, repeat from step2.9 {ic}CategoriesCategories can help you find entries in thephonebook quickly and easily. When addingan entry to the phonebook, you can assign itto one of 9 categories. You can change thenames of categories assigned for phonebookentries (“Friends”, “Family”, etc.) and thensearch for phonebook entries by category.The category ringer tone feature is availablefor Caller ID subscribers (35. oldal).Changing category names1 n (left soft key) s 12 {r}: “Kategória” s M3 {r}: Select the desired category. sM4 {r}: “Kategória név” s M5 Edit the name (10 characters max.; 45.oldal). s M s {ic}Finding and calling froma phonebook entryScrolling through all entries1 n (left soft key)2 {r}: Select the desired entry. s {C}L You can scroll through thephonebook entry by pressing andholding {V} or {^}.3 {r}: Select the desired phone number.s {C}Searching by first character1 n (left soft key)L Change the character entry mode ifnecessary:b s {r}: “Karakter készlet”s M s {r}: Select the characterentry mode. s M2 Press the dial key () to 9, or ()which contains the character you aresearching for (45. oldal).L Press the same dial key repeatedly todisplay the first entry correspondingto each character located on that dialkey.L If there is no entry corresponding tothe character you selected, the nextentry is displayed.3 {r}: Scroll through the phonebook ifnecessary. s {C}4 {r}: Select the desired phone number.s {C}TG8611PD(e-hg).book Page 18 Friday, March 18, 2011 1:31 PM