7-2 Maintenance7.1 Utility Commands$ OFLN** OFF LINE MODE **Utility Command (Type 'HELP' for command list.)$In the Utility Command mode, the System Administrator can access the functionsdescribed below by entering the appropriate command at the “$” prompt followedby [RETURN].System Administration Top Menu → 37.1.1 Off-line Set (OFLN)Used to turn off the call progressing mode of the VPS.Set the VPS to off-line mode before deleting a mailbox, since this operation in-volves the updating of a large number of related parameters.Type “OFLN”, then press [RETURN].If no VPS ports are in use, the VPS will suspend the call progressing serviceimmediately.orOFLN ..... Sets the system to off-line modeONLN .... Sets the system to on-line modePASS ...... Sets the System Administrator’s passwordTIME ..... Sets the system clock, date and timePSET ...... Specifies the reports printing timeELOG..... Displays device error logSAVE ..... Stores a backup of the program or data on the hard diskLOAD .... Restores a backup of the program or data to the systemGPRN..... Displays all of the VPS parametersVERS ..... Displays the version of hard disk, main ROM and Port cardCREP Displays the keypad assignments, message recording status and thetree-structure of a Custom serviceCCLR ..... Clears a Custom service menu access countMWL...... Specifies the number of times the VPS attempts to turn on themessage waiting lamp on the extensionsMRL ....... Sets the minimum recording length of a messageMPLT..... Displays the user prompt recording statusHELP ..... Displays brief instructions and a list of Utility CommandsQSET ..... Sets up your VPS roughly so that you can use it quicklyLMON ... Line MonitorPUTD ..... Display DTMF Information