B6 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION - SYSTEM PARAMETER SETTINGSSYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE 243Other Parameters - Fax ManagementThe VPS can be programmed to automatically transfer incoming fax calls to a fax extension.A maximum of 2 fax extensions can be specified as the destination for the Automatic FaxTransfer. If the main fax extension is not available to receive a fax, the VPS will transfer thefax transmission to the alternate fax extension.Paging Codefor Group 1-8Up to 12 digitsconsisting of0-9, ,# for eachgroup(Group 1-8:331-338All Groups(Group 9): 33 )Specifies the intercom paging access code required bythe PBX.Note: The Intercom Paging Group Number availablefor each Subscriber is determined on a COS-by-COSbasis.Paging Codefor All GroupsTo select Fax Management, follow the menu path as shown:System Administration Top Menu - 1 - 5 - 7 - 8Table 61Parameter Value Range(Default)Description/FunctionAutomaticTransfer ofIncoming FaxCall1: Disable2: Enable(Disable)Used to enable or disable the Automatic Transfer ofIncoming Fax Call Service.Note: Automatic detection works for only the first 30s.Main FaxExtension No.2-5 digits(None)Specifies the main fax extension number.Alternate FaxExtension No.2-5 digits(None)Specifies the backup fax extension number used when themain fax extension is busy or if there is no answer withinthe specified "Fax No Answer Time." When either ofthese situations occurs, the VPS transfers the fax call tothe backup extension.Table 60Parameter Value Range(Default)Description/Function