172 Menu: Menu Description Tables* This variable range is the numerical values for 59.94 Hz. For50 Hz, the frame rate is up to 24f. The frame rate is up to 23f in24PN (Native) mode.¡NoteDisplayed REC TIME, PAUSE TIME and TOTAL REC TIMEare translated into either drop-frame or non-drop-frameaccording to the mode of operation.TAKE TOTAL TIME is actual time. Therefore, TOTAL RECTIME may incorporate fractions, depending on the settings.REC FUNCTIONItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksINTERVAL RECMODEONONE SHOTOFFSets INTERVAL REC function.ON: Uses internal memory to performinterval recording.ONE SHOT:Performs “one-shot” recordingfor the duration specified underREC TIME, and then stops.OFF: INTERVAL REC is notperformed.¡NoteThis item cannot be changed when “ON”is selected in LOOP REC MODE.– C U F –INTERVAL RECHOLDONOFFSelects whether INTERVAL REC MODEsettings are retained or not when thepower is turned off once.ON: RetainOFF: Do not retain. The INTERVALREC MODE is “OFF” wheneverthe power is turned on again.– C U F –REC TIME* 00s01f:59s29fSet recording time for INTERVAL REC(1 cut).¡NoteHowever the settings can be madeframe by frame, and the numbers of thecut-off unit frames for the shortest timeperiod and the set time on the actualoperation may vary with the recordingmethod. For details, refer to [IntervalRecording] (page 44).– C U F –PAUSE TIME* 00h00m00s01f:00h04m59s23f:23h59m59s29fSpecify pause time for INTERVAL REC.¡NoteHowever the settings can be madeframe by frame, and the numbers of thecut-off unit frames for the shortest timeperiod and the set time on the actualoperation may vary with the recordingmethod. For details, refer to [IntervalRecording] (page 44).– C U F –TAKE TOTALTIMENONE:5daySpecify the time needed for INTERVALREC.Select from “NONE” (continue untiloperation is manually stopped) to5 days.– C U F –TOTAL RECTIME*NONE00m00s01f:99m59s29fOVER100minDisplay total recorded time forINTERVAL REC. The setting cannot bechanged using this option. Displays therecording time (recording time neededfor the P2 card) calculated using RECTIME, PAUSE TIME, and TAKE TOTALTIME.¡NoteA value based on actual processing isdisplayed.– – – – –AUDIO REC ONOFFSelect whether or not sound will berecorded during INTERVAL REC.– C U F –START DELAY 0SEC:10SECSet the delay after pressing REC STARTto start recording in INTERVAL REC.– C U F –Items/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksPRE REC MODE ONOFFSelect whether or not to enable PRERECORDING.ON: PRE RECORDING enabled.OFF: PRE RECORDING disabled.¡NoteSpecify the PRE RECORDING time byusing the menu option PRE REC TIME.– C U F –PRE REC TIME 1SEC:8SECSet PRE RECORDING.1-8SEC:Set the length of time that can beretrospectively recorded beforethe REC START button ispressed.– C U F –LOOP RECMODEONOFFSelect whether or not to enable LOOPREC.This setting can be used with PRERECORDING features.ON: Enable LOOP REC.OFF: Disable LOOP REC.¡Notesy After the power is turned off, this itemwill default to “OFF” the next time thepower is turned on.y This item cannot be changed when“ON” or “ONE SHOT” is selected inINTERVAL REC MODE.– – – F –REC START ALLNORMALSelect operating modes that allowrecording to start.ALL: Allow recording to start duringstop, recording pause, andplayback.NORMAL:Allow recording to start duringstop and recording pause.¡NoteEven if this is set to “ALL”, the operationis “NORMAL”, when “ON” or “ONESHOT” is selected in INTERVAL RECMODE.– C U F –P.ON REC SLOTSELHOLDSLOT1Select the recording order of the slotwhen the power is turned on.HOLD: The recording order starts withthe card previously selectedwhen the power was turned off.SLOT1: The recording order starts withthe card that is inserted in slot 1when the power is turned on.– C U F –Example of drop-frameREC TIME 02s00fPAUSE TIME 02s00fTAKE TOTAL TIME 40minTOTAL REC TIME 19m59s06f